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Los Angeles, CA | 



After Effects, DragonFrame, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Procreate, InDesign, Premiere, Adobe Illustrator and TVPaint


Compositing, puppet fabrication, set & prop building, stop motion/ 2D animation, rigging lights for stop motion sets, book binding, graphic design, direct on film animation, arts education. 



Freelance Animation, Illustration, Editing, and Graphic Design (2017 - Present)

Adult Swim, Open the Portal, Super Moon Studios, CalArts Halloween, Musiclub, Cookie House Productions, Ray Wyman, RapStudy, and the North Orange County Chamber of Commerce.

Fabricator, Dormilón, Film Independant LLC (March 2024 - July 2024)

Fabricating props for the stop motion short film Dormilón. 

Co-Director/ Animator/ Editor/ Fabricator, Reliable News? (January 2024 - Present)

Directed segments for the variety show Reliable News? and put together the final edit. Fabricated props, sets and puppets. 

Animation Teaching Assistant, California State Summer School of the Arts (July 2022 - Present)

Gave lectures and designed handouts for students. Held workshops teaching how to make stop motion puppets and direct on film techniques. Organize, clean and prepare classrooms for sessions, lift and stack over 50lbs worth of materials, supervised over 30 students for lab hours while assisting them with their work.

Custom Framer at Micheal's Craft Store (August 2023 - Present)

Design framing orders for guests, cut glass and assemble frames, store recovery and restocking, operating the cash register and assisting guests throughout the store. 

Online Programs Assistant at CalArts Extended Studies (September 2023 - Present)

Moderating class forums and assisting online students. 

Marketing Coordinator, North Orange County Chamber, Fullerton, CA (July 2020 – July 2021)

Video editing and management of the NOC Chamber YouTube Channel, Designing graphic communications for print/web (such as logos, website and social media graphics, publications, flyers, and other marketing materials as needed) 

Guest Animator, Caterpillar Kisses, Orange County, CA (February 2020)

Animated two scenes in Ella Field’s film Caterpillar Kisses.

Lead Animator and Designer, RapStudy, Orange County, CA (October 2020 – January 2021)

Designed, story boarded, animated, and edited the introduction video for RapStudy, an ed tech start up led by students at Cornell. Organized a small team for clean up/ frame coloring and backgrounds. 

Yearbook Design Editor, OCSA, Santa Ana, CA (2019 - 2020)

Taught staff how to use Photoshop and eDesign, created classroom curriculum and admissions process, designed the cover and endsheets, supervised design in all aspects of the yearbook and established the style guide, frequent communication with publisher and administration. 


Bachelor of Fine Arts, Experimental Animation

California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA; present


Digital Media, (2014 - 2020)

Orange County School of the Arts, Santa Ana, CA; June 2020 


California State Summer School of the Arts, Valencia, CA; Summer 2018


United Plankton Scholarship - CalArts (2023)

Women in Animation Scholarship - sponsored by Laika & ToonBoom (2023)

Hillenburg Family Scholarship - CalArts (2022)

Directors Choice Award - WESTFLIX Student Film Festival (“Who Am I?” 2020)

OC Artist Of The Year Finalist in Animation - OC Register (2020)

Official Selection - Screen Student Film Festival (“Scribble Head” 2019) (“Who Am I?” 2020)

Herb Alpert Foundation Scholarship for Emerging Young Artists - CSSSA Animation (2018)



It’s Time to Play the Music (2020) - Guest Artist 

Muppet themed charity zine; all profits donated to the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation.


The Collective (2020) - Artist

Non-profit, student-run art magazine based in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.


Inkblot Vol. 18 (2020) - Artist

Student run literary magazine featuring writing and illustration. 

Aquamarine Magazine (2020) - Guest Artist

Fashion and lifestyle publication based out of SoCal. 

I See You (2020) - Illustrator

A nature aspect horror zine featuring comics, illustration, and writing.


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